Category Archives: Blog
Configure Xwiki as Root Website
Once Xwiki is installed and running, the default URL is Which is ok and works, however I don’t like specifying the application after the website. If I typed, tomcat would display it’s default banner. Instead I really wanted … Continue reading
Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest
The annual Petersen pumpkin carving contest was again a complete success. We had four entries this year. Mom was supposed to be an impartial judge, so of course she declared everyone a winner. SMH.
We have a new driver in the family
Jill got her drivers license! That night we went out to Robinson’s Ale House in Red Bank to celebrate. MJ and Thea were able to join us. We all piled into either Jill’s car or MJ’s. It was weird that … Continue reading
Stromboli Night
Mom decided to break in her new kitchen with Stromboli night! This was a truly unbelievable event in our household. In the old kitchen layout only 1, maybe 2 people could work in the space at a time. There was … Continue reading
One of my boxes got hacked. Ugh. Fortunately it was a jump server that had no data. I have 2 servers exposed to the Internet, a jump server and a reverse proxy. The reverse proxy provides access to the web … Continue reading
Bored Engineering Students
So what do 2 bored engineering students do to fill up their time on summer break? They build 2 motorized bicycles. In May MJ and Greg bought 2 Schwin bicycles and modified them to fit a 50cc 2-stroke engine onto … Continue reading
MJ’s Eagle Scout Project
MJ completed his Eagle Scout project this past weekend. His project was to rebuild 250 feet of fence at the Lincroft Little League field. The old fence had a single horizontal rail and a top rail made of 2×4. Kids … Continue reading
Unemployment Statistics & Lies
One of the running discussions I have with my friend Mark is about the unemployment numbers and why they don’t reflect what we see with other friends and co-workers. We both know of quite a few people who have stopped … Continue reading
I’ve moved to Mocha Host
I’ve finally decided to take the plunge and host my blog elsewhere. No longer is it on a server in my basement. I’ve moved the site to a virtual server at Mocha Hosting. The cost alone of running the server … Continue reading
Droid Performance
Now that I’ve been using the Droid for a week, an update is in order. My love affair with this device is still strong as ever. I’ve got my contacts fully organized, loaded a few GB’s worth of music and … Continue reading