Configure Xwiki as Root Website

Once Xwiki is installed and running, the default URL is Which is ok and works, however I don’t like specifying the application after the website. If I typed, tomcat would display it’s default banner. Instead I really wanted Xwiki to come up.

To change this behavior I needed to make 2 changes. 1/ deploy Xwiki as ROOT in tomcat and 2/ tell Xwiki that the URL and web app doesn’t contain the /xwiki/ application.

To deploy the application as root within tomcat, I deleted tomcat/webapps/ROOT directory. I then renamed the extracted xwiki folder to ROOT and renamed the war file xwiki.war to ROOT.war.

To update xwiki I modified the xwiki.cfg file. The file is now located in tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF directory. There were 2 variables that needed to be uncommented and updated as follows:


After that is was simply a matter of restarting tomcat with a systemctl restart tomcat.

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