Weekend Campout at Cheesquake

I joined my son on a Boy Scout camp out to Cheesquake State Park. This was my son’s 2nd camp out with the troop. It was my first not only with this troop but also my first in scout camp out in 18 years. We managed to pitch camp before the rain began. I had the job of Troop quartermaster, which is to say I helped handout all the gear. If the scouts needed anything, I would get it out of the trailer.

About an hour after getting camp setup it began to rain. It rained through the entire day and night. a couple of tents got flooded. But for the most part the boys managed to keep their sleeping gear dry.
It was a lot of fun to see the kids learn the basic outdoor skills such as orienteering, pioneering, first aid and some team building skills. At night in my sleeping bag I called Cathy to say goodnight and to tell her about the wonderful memories of sleeping in a tent. Of course she told me that I was nuts.

Fortunately the rain let up about 2 hours before we had to break down camp. All in all it was a great way to spend the weekend!

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