Assault on Reason

With all the travelling I do, I tend to read alot in the airports and on the planes. Vice President Gore’s latest book, “The Assault on Reason” looks into American politics of today. I found the first few chapters to  be insightful to the decisions and assumptions of the current White House administration.

However as I continued to read, the book turned into a Bush Bash. Now, I am normally one to enjoy a good Bush Bash, but it went way to far. I had to put the book down for a while. While I did finish the book, I was disappointed. The points that Vice President Gore made were lost in the political rubbish. Also I found the ending of the book to be rushed.

If your reading list is running light and your library has to book, I would read it. However if you are like me and have multiple books in progress or waiting to be read, don’t run to the book store.

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